About the new filler I used... When I mentioned that it does not sand as nicely as the lightweight spackeling, well that was the understatement of the year. Its like sanding a rock. It ruined 80 grit sandpaper in short order. I had to resort to using the straight line pneumatic sander with 36 grit to shape it.
Learning from previous blunders, I taped the first layer of glass into position and wetted it. Instead of waiting until it was cured and repeating the process, I waited until the first layer was well on its way but still sticky and wrapped the second layer around the first.
Here it is with 2 layers
After curing, trimming and bonding, its looks like this:
Tomorrow is a big day as I am going to do the final external shaping of the rest of the cowl. I will finally get to see what its going to look like (for a while ; )
Looking good!